Philly YCL’s Education Commission


About Us


The Education and Propaganda Commission organizes and plans political readings for YCL and community members, hosts speaker events, and spearheads various creative projects such as posters, flyers, stickers, shirts, etc. This commission was created recently because engaging in political education and political art is an important part of continuing the CPUSA and YCL’s long-standing tradition of informing and communicating with working class Philadelphians.


Recent events include:

A red poster with the silhouette of chains being broken and the symbol representing gender inclusivity. Black text on the page reads 'On Fascism and Transphobia. A talk cofacilitated by ACT UP and Philly YCL. Join us for a discussion on gender repression, Nazism, and the current strain of transphobia witnessed amoung groups like Moms for Liberty. Food 1-2pm. Talk 2-4pm. Sunday June 25th @4515 Bmore Ave'



Various books for sale in a white bookshelf
A Selection of Books Available for Purchase, with Funds Benefiting the Dubois Robeson People’s Center

What Our Commission Does:



Book Talks

Creating Art

Reading Groups